Friday, 23 October 2015

What super stars this week always listening, thinking and trying their best as well as looking our for and helping others in the class. 

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

It is British Values week. We have been very busy learning about The British Isles and the countries in it. We have also been challenged to learn the capital cities in each of the countries. We have taken part in lots of different activities and love our interactive where we can practice our new geography skills.

We have had lots of discussion about our values and concerns for ourselves and others. We have talked about right and wrong and the need for expectations in school and rules and laws for everyone to follow in the community. We have been talking about what makes Britain good and how we all have different beliefs and cultures but we can live together and respect each others differences. We have taken part in team games and learnt to share our ideas and listen to the ideas of others. 

We had a provocation today. 

Mrs Hunter set us a challenge and we used the TASC wheel to help us to solve the problem.
We thought about what we already knew and decided that a dragon had captured her and dropped her on top of the tower so no-one could have her. We thought she would be scared as she was stuck up there forever.
We had a task and a problem to solve. We had to save the princess and work out how to get her down from the tower. We each had to think of at least three ideas and share them with other children around the classroom. We had to show our ideas through drawings and writing.  We choose our best design thinking carefully about how we would make it. We created a small model to show how our idea would look. We had to think carefully about the materials we would use. We have been learning about materials and their properties in Science so this will help us to choose the right material for the job.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Look at our amazing stars of the week this week. They work so hard, give their ideas, follow instructions but also use their creativity. They are both really helpful around the classroom and are always thinking about others. Well done you are both stars!

Friday, 9 October 2015

We have been Historians this week finding out all about Queen Victoria. We have used the internet and books to research Queen Victoria and wrote a biography thinking about her personality and appearance. We also found out when she was born, who she married, where she lived, when she was crowned Queen and when she died. We have been developing our sketching skills and use line, tone and shape to create portraits of Queen Victoria. We added colour to them using pointillism, this took us along time which made us think about how long it took to do portraits in the 1800's.

This weeks learners of the week are fantastic! They have worked really
hard sounding out all the words when they are writing and carefully writing the letter shapes.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Mrs Nelson was in our class today and she got a letter from Mike the Knight.

He asked her for our help finding out about the different countries in The British Isles and where the castles were located. We created a large map of The British Isles.

We labeled a large map on the carpet together looking at the 4 different parts of the British Isles.

We found castles in Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales and labelled them on our own maps.

We also enjoyed looked at castles and labeling the different parts.

Some children have been doing the extra activities for their homework.

Look at the amazing Dragon Sofia has made with her daddy. It is amazing.

Daniel made a fantastic moving Knight using split pins to make his body parts move.